The IEC TC57/WG10 Meetings are in full-swing here in Geneva, and there have been many interesting and dynamic discussions taking place! Mr. Christoph Brunner (IEC TC57/WG10 Convener-Middle) opened the meetings and introduced Mr. Charles Jacquemart (IEC TC57 Officer – Left) who had provided some interesting statistics on the size and visibility of IEC TC57/WG10.
The IEC is currently composed of approximately 102 technical committees (TC), 77 subcommittees (SC), 543 working groups, with roughly 15,000 experts and was founded in 1906. It was interesting to learn that IEC TC57/WG10 is the largest working group (WG) in the entire IEC, which emphasizes the significance of this importance of this work. We were also surprised to learn the USA and Canada National Committees currently have the largest number of experts contributing towards WG10. We agree size doesn’t matter, and as such we’re always looking for new experts to enroll. If you’re interested in joining this initiative, we recommend contacting your National Committee. As you can see from the discussion points for the first two days (see below), there are lots of opportunities for new members to join and contribute towards:
- IEC 61850 Functional Acceptance Testing
- IEC 61850 Function Modelling in SCL
- IEC 61850 Role Based Access Control
- IEC 61850 Basic Application Profile
- IEC 61850 User Task Force Session
- IEC 61850 Deterministic Networking Technologies
- IEC 61850 for FACTS Data Modelling
- IEC 61850 Logical Nodes for Modelling Application
- IEC 61850 Machine Processable Format of IEC 61850 Data Models
The next few days will include a deep-dive into a number of other task forces, including ENTSO-E’s initiatives that are addressing a number of user-driven concerns. ENTSO-E – which is being led by Mr. Gregory Huon (Right) – is a collection of 42 electricity transmission system operators from 35 countries across Europe, so you can count on these being very pragmatic discussions.