About Tesco

Enabling Grid Modernization Strategies

…one substation at a time

New EnergyAt Tesco we understand that being successful with a disruptive technology  such as IEC 61850 requires passionate, dedicated, and hard-working experts that foster a culture that encourages innovative thinking. For inquiries please contact us directly.

We are a group of professional power utility automation experts. Working with disruptive technologies such as IEC 61850 can be challenging, and we understand the importance of building a cohesive team that has a unified vision. Instilled in our team is the passion and work ethic to ensure our clients are successful with their grid modernization projects. For employment opportunities with Tesco please contact us directly.

A Classic Canadian Story

Loyalty, an unbreakable work ethic, and a drive to succeed. Tesco is a classic family owned Canadian company built in Saskatchewan over the last 35+ years. Find out what sets us apart.

Please contact us directly for more information.

Meet our Consultants

At Tesco we realize that finding success with innovative technologies requires ambition, dedication, research and a culture that promotes collaboration and team work. For inquiries please contact us directly.

Dustin Tessier
Dustin Tessier P.Eng, MBA, PMP
Managing Director & IEC 61850 Expert
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Grant Gilchrist
Grant Gilchrist P.Eng
DNP3 & Cyber Security Expert
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Greg Beltran
Greg Beltran
Testing & PLC Expert
Duarte, California, USA
Braden Olson
Principal Protection & Automation Engineer
San Luis Obispo, California, USA
Darren De Ronde
Principal Protection & Automation Engineer
Berkeley, California, United States
Mohammad Y. Razib
Mohammad Razib
Principal Protection & Automation Engineer
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Mobile Digital Substations

Tesco Automation is pleased to announce the release of our upgraded Mobile Digital Substation that incorporates IEC 61869 merging units and the latest IEC 61850 Ed2 IEDs.

The Mobile Digital Substation provides a unique opportunity for our course participants to configure and test devices from all the major vendors.

Our Customers

Just some of the many great utilities we work closely with.

A sampling of the integrators and vendors we’re partnered with.

Our Affiliations

A list of some of our recognized accreditations and affiliations.

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